Starting your own business comes with a number of roadblocks and obstacles that will take time to overcome. Looking within the digital marketing realm, establishing your brand amongst your industry is easier said than done. You have to compete with companies that already exist and at the same time establish yourself as a unique brand.
This was the problem facing the company Blog Hands, a blog writing service for online businesses. Chris Hornak, founder of Blog Hands, had to look for ways that he could develop his brand while also gaining more organic traffic to his website. He knew he needed a solution and after some time he found one in SEMrush. How was he able to do it? Here are the SEMrush solutions Chris used to grow his website and brand:
Understand Positon Trends
Located within the Domain Analytics section and Organic Research, you will find the Organic Position Changes report. In here users are able to query a domain and discover which keywords the searched domain is gaining and losing ground on.
Chris ran his own website through this report to understand what changes were going on with his keyword rankings.
Identify Top Landing Pages
Also, under the Organic Research section is the Organic Pages report.
Here users can learn which landing pages are performing the best for a domain. Sorted by Traffic %, this list of URLs will shed light on what content is driving the most search traffic to your site. By analyzing this data, you can understand how to best structure your landing pages to get search traffic.
Chris was able to use this report for his own domain to uncover the “not provided” keywords that were driving traffic to his website but were hidden within Google Analytics.
Reveal Suggestions for Landing Pages
After determining which pages you need to optimize, the SEO Ideas tool will provide you with suggestions based on who is ranking in the top 10 positions for your target keyword.
This will reveal referring domains that send backlinks to your competition, that you can try to establish a relationship with, as well as recommendations for semantically related topics to include within your content.
Track Your Positions
Once you begin implementing your changes, you can track your progress on a daily basis using the Position Tracking tool. This tool lets you understand if the changes being implemented on your website are actually having a positive impact on your rankings.
With the ability to segment by location and device, Chris was able to track his rankings across all avenues to properly execute his marketing efforts.
Want to hear more about Chris’ story and how he was able to increase his traffic by 80%? Take a look at the case study below!
Innovative SEO services
SEO is a patience game; no secret there. We`ll work with you to develop a Search strategy focused on producing increased traffic rankings in as early as 3-months.
A proven Allinclusive. SEO services for measuring, executing, and optimizing for Search Engine success. We say what we do and do what we say.
Our company as Semrush Agency Partner has designed a search engine optimization service that is both ethical and result-driven. We use the latest tools, strategies, and trends to help you move up in the search engines for the right keywords to get noticed by the right audience.
Today, you can schedule a Discovery call with us about your company needs.