It is one thing to be told that a thing matters, and quite another to believe it. That is why when someone asks, “why is content marketing important?” it is a question and an answer that really should be given a great deal of consideration. We hear over and over the answer is that content is king, but what does that even mean?
The Importance of Content Creation
Content doesn’t magically spring to life on its own. It requires a virtual army of creatives and organized types to make sure that everything goes off without a hitch. The truth is that content creation is the most powerful tool in your content marketing arsenal.
It is really the only tool if you think about it. After all, you have nothing for your social media outlets without content, you have nothing for your site, your blogs, your YouTube channels, your podcasts…you have nothing.
Because digital marketing is so incredibly important to businesses today, you can’t very well fight the battle with an empty arsenal. You may as well close up shop if you try because no one will find you as you drift out of sight across the great digital sea.
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Why You Need Content Marketing
Because the Internet is like a vast sea filled with everything imaginable, it can be difficult for anyone to find your little light on the water. Everyone is competing for attention from a limited number of people who are desperately looking for a product, a service, or an answer to some question.
Content marketing makes it possible for the two of you to find one another against what may seem like impossible odds.
But that is not the only reason you need content marketing, not remotely.
1. Content Marketing Helps Customers Bond with Your Brand
Your story is more than an advertisement, and you should make sure people know it. Sure, some people will buy a generic product from a faceless company, but those who want a relationship they can count on for years to come will be looking for a lot more.
Your content marketing tells the customer who your company is, what it stands for, and keeps them engaged over time.
2. You Build Trust with Good Content
Your content marketing can also help to build an emotional bridge. If a potential customer is in dire need of answers and you happen to provide the information they are seeking on your blog or YouTube channel, they are going to respond favorably.
They may even come to trust you for your clearly demonstrated knowledge of your field, which is really the goal of content marketing.
3. More and Better Customers Cost Less
The ROI on a well-executed content marketing is staggering. Depending on how well you develop content to match your audience’s needs, you could see website conversion rates of up to six times higher than if you had no content marketing plan in place at all.
Not only does that mean a lot of leads, but you also have a chance to do some qualifying of potential customers before they even send their first inquiry. For example, if you make an effort to answer common questions as a part of your content strategy, you can explain the details of your product (including crucial characteristics like your price point).
It saves you both time, and your company spends less on each pre-qualified lead that comes through the door.
4. Content Marketing Supports Other Types of Marketing
You can use the content you are generating to help support your social media campaigns and other efforts, like email campaigns, every page created, or blog you build can help improve your organic SEO.
After all, the more opportunities you have for Google to index your content, the more opportunities you have to be found in searches for a wide assortment of keywords. The more people see you pop up for their query, the more chances they will link to you in their own content.
Oh, and don’t forget, all that content also gives your loyal fans something to share, which can do even more for your business’s exposure!
Today’s customers want to know that you respect them enough to not continue to try to force products in their face when all they really want to know is if they can fix their own sink or just how long it takes to have their dental work completed.
By treating them with a basic level of respect and establishing yourself as an unwavering authority on the query matter, you can become their go-to. You will grow a loyal fan base that will help carry the hard work of promoting your company from dawn to dusk day after day, bringing traffic to your site from visitors you want.
Getting Started with Content Marketing the Right Way
Content marketing is absolutely vital, but if you don’t have a plan and some way to gauge your potential customers’ feedback, you are really just wasting your time. That is why it’s so important to take advantage of a tool like SEMrush’s Content Marketing Platform before starting your journey.
Not only will you be able to better see exactly which content is working for your visitors, but you will also know which pieces aren’t. That insight can help you better retool those leaky boats into glorious ships that will ride the wild tides of the Internet for years to come.
Some Content Marketing Resources:
How to Research Topics for Your Blog's Content Plan The Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting a Content Audit in 2020 The SEO Writing AssistantInnovative SEO services
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